Since my last blog so much has happened & I don't really think I can do justice in trying to sum up the events that have transpired from that blog to now. So I won't even try. Instead I would like to revisit a topic that I touched briefly on in my
Shared time blog a few months ago. The main subject of that blog was about how living abroad changes the time expats spend at home. I also mentioned volunteers & speed dating; since I really have no frame of reference on speed dating...I'd like to spend some time reflecting about volunteers, volunteering & awesomeness.
~In Zimbabwe...mixin' it up~ |
My first big volunteer adventure took me to Zimbabwe to work on building a school...huh, that sounds familiar...but I digress. Sure, I wanted to do something meaningful with my time...but I was 16 & the idea of traveling to a far off place was really the big draw...that & getting away from my parents for a few months (sorry mama & daddie). I had done other volunteering before this...but nothing of this scale. Three months...all summer...which is no small commitment...especially for a 16 year old. When I told my parents about my desire to make this journey they were...well, who knows exactly...all I remember is they said if I could raise the money I could go....GAME ON!!!
After some hard work & the support of so many wonderful family & friends I was off to Zimbabwe. I had no idea what was ahead of me nor did I realize the long term impact that time spent volunteering abroad would have on me & my future. My time there opened me up to new aspects of ways I never fostered a part of me that has continued to grow & evolve as I have moved through this life. It was wonderful, painful, exhilarating, bittersweet & a thousand other emotions that I can't put into words.
Fast-forward several years & here I & working for a nonprofit, doing development work in the west highlands of Guatemala. If someone were to ask me how I found myself here the story would begin long before my trip to Zimbabwe; my parents were great examples of giving time & energy to others, but it was that trip that really shifted the sense of importance of volunteering for me. Which brings me back to the topic of our volunteers here at
Long Way Home.
~couldn't agree more~ |
One of the greatest joys of working in the field is the steady stream of volunteers that
Long Way Home gets throughout the year. Each volunteer brings something different to the table & with that comes the space to harness a cornucopia of elements. Different skills, experiences, motivations & origins of our volunteers offer those of us here long term the opportunity to learn, to grow & to see our project through new eyes. Whether the volunteer is a fresh faced first-timer who's never done construction work or a seasoned professional...the exchange is unique & memorable...for us & them.
As we are focused on sustainable building techniques, education & employment we attract a certain type of volunteer: those interested in learning more about how to affect change in these areas. However, within that group we see a wide variety of people interested in working with us...which is awesome. It is exciting to see people stepping outside of their comfort zones & trying their hand at something different. Ultimately, it is a learning experience for all of us...finding ways to work together towards a common goal, even though we all have different interests, skills & ideals. Collaborating, exchanging, experimenting....such a creative & dynamic adventure!
~so worth it!~ |
Now, I won't pretend that I click with every single volunteer that we have on-site, to do that would be disingenuous...sometimes personalities just don't jive...such is life. However, I can say that every person I have met during my time here has brought something special to our project. As a result, we are never short on possibilities...what a beautiful reality. For that, I am grateful, to each & every person that has offered their time, energy & resources to our project.
I am a huge fan of volunteering in general. My volunteering experiences have shaped my views about volunteering & volunteers...they have shaped me. Volunteering & working with volunteers has given me the opportunity to witness the generosity that pulses through our global community. Whatever it is that motivates our volunteers to include us on their journey is a blessing. For me, our volunteers provide an infusion of freshness, of change & of the possibilities to come.
So, to all our volunteers & to all those who volunteer anywhere...thank you!
PS: If you're looking for an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone...consider
volunteering with us! We are loaded with kiddos, pups & of course...opportunities to learn about sustainable building!
Check us out...warning...adorable cuteness ahead!!