Friday, July 13, 2012

Mi queso es su queso

I feel like blogging today....although nothing particularly stunning is going on right now that clearly identifies itself as "blog worthy"....but, I'm in the here we go....

always available for snuggle time!
I currently live in a park...a beautiful, lush & mostly quiet park with flowers, ferns, hummingbirds & some amazing starry nights.  I have a beautiful room that houses an extensive library, a desk, a "dresser" and a cozy place to lay my weary head.  There are two lovely cuddle monsters that are often found in my room, Meester & Chimi. 

Kristin, is Long Way Home's Volunteer Coordinator & my closest neighbor; by close I mean that she lives in the little cabaƱa (cabin) about three feet across from me.  So, she is my roommate; we share a bathroom (latrine), a kitchen, a pila (traditional Guatemalan sink) & common areas (the yard & walkways).

Kristin, working her magic in the gardens!
Before moving in Kristin & I had very little interaction.  A few phone calls, several emails but never any face time.  That we live in the same space is (potentially) complicated by the fact that we also work & socialize with each other, we are on-call 24/7 to the volunteers (who also live at the park) & as a result we are (almost) always at work.  As you might guess...this can be a bit overwhelming at having a great roommate is essential to survival.  I can not put into words the sense of relief I felt when shortly after meeting in person, we both willingly admitted that there was a bit of nervousness about our living arrangements...happily, our nerves were (& continue to be) eased.  Kristin is great.
Seriously great...we are enough alike to not get under each other's skin...& enough different to not get bored with each other (so far).  She has helped me get used to the way things work around here & I am grateful for her patience....& her stellar sense of humor!

just a friendly reminder!
I'll admit, there has been an adjustment period.  I find myself in situations that challenge me to look beyond what I know...or what I think I know. I have been blessed with several opportunities to re-frame my ideas about the following: time, personal space/belongings, expectations, food, language, internet/technology, showers, transportation, appropriate dog behavior & what it means to "need" things.  It is refreshing & interesting to see things with new eyes, in a new environment.  I am grateful that I am surrounded (both physically & virtually) by thoughtful, compassionate people who help me navigate through all of these serendipitous growth opportunities.

 PS: Privacy....this is a word that has been rolling around in my head for the past few days...I could say that I don't really know why...but I'd be lying!  Re-framing this particular concept is gonna take a little longer I suspect...perhaps that will be the subject of my next blog....stay tuned!


  1. Of course we [readers] are grateful for your reflections. They bring me to a happy place; same lack of privacy. Cheers to the voice.

  2. We are living parallel lives and I love the way you create the mirror of words for me to see myself in. Best, Gigi
